Monday, 14 October 2013

Idea's for both adverts; sponsorship and TV

On this brainstorm, I have come up with the idea that on one of my adverts I would like it to be personal. I have not decided whether I will use this idea for my TV or sponsorship advert as I am unsure about the duration of this idea. As I want this advert to be personal, I came up with the idea that there would be a range of people speaking about their experiences with the company. This is a simplistic way of showing the audience what the company can do for the audience. I have the idea that people could either be in their own environment e.g. sitting on the sofa at home, against white screens, or standing in front of an event. If I decided to take this idea further I will decide this later on. Additionally, I thought it would also be effective if people talk about different events and experiences, but follow onto each other's sentences.

Furthermore, I think I have come to a vague decision of what I am going to do for one of my TV adverts (or both - dependent on how far I develop it) as I have decided that I want to do a presentation advert combined with a slice of life. Therefore, I thought I could start of with a speaker, talking about the company, then, walking though doors as if they are walking through different events. e.g. will open the door to an event of a Christmas party, walks through then opens the next door to a business conference. 

This is just two of my idea's that I feel like I could develop. I am going to continue brainstorming so that I can either develop these idea's or change them.

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