Thursday, 24 October 2013

Outline of sponsorship sequence

For my sponsorship sequence I am focusing on prom. This is because this event was one of the most popular events that was said on my survey.

  • The first part of the sequence is going to begin with a wide shot with boys and girls in a kitchen - having drinks before prom
  • Everyone will be wearing either a dress or a suit to create authenticity
  • My protagonist (main speaker) will then pretend to take a photo with the group of people - interacting with the people by saying "smile for the picture!"
  • The advert will then end on 'emerald events - making a dream a reality'
  • The second half of the advert will be long/wide shots of people getting ready to leave
  • The advert will then end on 'emerald events - making a dream a reality'
mostly long/wide shots to show a lot of people having fun - I think this would be effective because when I was analysing Pro Cruises I found that wide shots were used throughout, allowing the audience to view the scenery as well as the characters body gestures and facial expressions

Lighting - natural light as prom is a summer event
Costume to be smart - boys in suits and girls in dresses

A lot of diagetic sound of people talking/laughing
Voice over of protagonist - this was a recurring feature I noticed in my analysis of advertising which I felt was successful. The voice over allowed the audience to view the narrative as well as listen to a speaker. 
(Maybe music)

Fast paced editing - I have decided to make my editing fast paced because when analysing sponsorship sequences, I found that the majority of the adverts were shot after shot. I think conforming to this expectation is important because I need to ensure I create the advert in the correct length of time. 

When creating my storyboard I will obviously go into greater detail of the camera, MIS, sound and editing to ensure when I start filming that I have an insight into what my sponsorship sequence will look like visually.

Outline of radio advertisement

I am going to create a brief outline of my radio advert before I begin storyboarding. When coming to storyboarding, I will create a more detailed script of my radio advert.
  • The radio advertisement is going to begin with the sound effect of the clinking of glasses. This sound effect will signify a beginning to a speech.
  • The speaker will be my original protagonist so the audience will be familiar with the voice.
"I would just like to say thank you all for coming - and emerald events for helping me create my dream event into a reality. If it wasn't for such an outstanding group of individuals, I would not be here, standing talking to you all today. Emerald events have helped with every single detail - the location, venues, theme and the small things like the unique decor and name cards." - (the protagonist) "To find out more information then email ___ or dial ____. Emerald events - making your dream a reality."

This is a smaller, less detailed version of my radio advert. When storyboarding I will decide on the actual dialogue rather than the outline of it.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Outline of TV adverts storyboard

In not much detail, I have outlined a short bullet pointed list of vital aspects that need to be included into my storyboard for my TV adverts. I will need to go into much greater detail when I start story boarding.

TV advert one
  • The advert begins with a mid shot of the protagonist, with the logo in the corner. The protagonist will introduce the company with a short explanation of what it is and how it can help.
  • The protagonist will then walk through a door into a prom 'party' with boys and girls in there prom dresses and suits. The protagonist will interact with the people, combing slice of life and presentation styled adverts.
  • The first event the protagonist will introduce is a birthday party - there will be various decorations to make it seem authentic.
  • The protagonist will then walk through the door and talk about how we can do seasonal events such as Christmas parties
  • The last event that will be shown will be prom - the protagonist will interact more in the last one by taking a photo of the people who are going to prom and being friendly e.g. "smile everyone"
  • The protagonist will then walk out and end the advert saying something along the lines of ... "If you're interested then email us or dial..."
The protagonist will be mainly shot at mid shot whilst the events shot at long shots to show the decorations
There will be a lot of close ups and mid shots of people in the events to show happy facial expressions and body language

For the Christmas party there will be props such as a tree, warm lit room and tinsel - this scene will be shot in more of a dim light, with lamps and a fire to signify that it is winter but how it also looks 'toasty'.
The prom I want more to look as though it is a summer event, therefore I will have natural light in the scene. I want the props to look elegant such as champagne glasses and appealing food.
I want the birthday birthday one to look genuine by having cake and various decor.

For the parties I want the editing to be quite fast paced to show a lot of laughter and happiness.
The prom I want more to slow, to reinforce the sophistication.

All events will have sound of laughter, and talking in the background.
The protagonist will have a voice over, and anything she says or does will be prominent. 

I am also thinking of doing a christening. When I start story boarding I will take into consideration the timing and see if I can fit a christening event into it.

TV advert two
  • The advert will begin with the protagonist again, so the two adverts will have similarity to ensure the audience can notice it is the same service's advert
  • The protagonist will introduce the company then say "here's what our customers think.."
  • The customers will be against a different background, in their own environment  very plain and simplistic so the audience focuses on what they are saying.
  • I want the ages to vary from teen, to middle aged to old -
  • First speaker "when I first contacted emerald events, I was unsure whether to leave all the arrangements to them.. second speaker "but after I gave them the idea of what I wanted and how I wanted it, they delivered a perfect event for me. third speaker "not only did emerald events deliver an outstanding event, but they go the extra mile by making sure everything is organised efficiently to prevent stress for the customer.. fourth speaker: "I would definitely go to emerald events again, I couldn't think of a better, more reliable and advanced team of people to plan an event up to a high standard" - all shots will be shot at mid shot
  • There will then be a mid shot of the protagonist saying "for more information email.. or call... etc"
Lots of mid shots used when the people are talking so that the audience can view their happy body language and facial expressions

Mid pace of editing, there will be cuts into different people talking to the camera

diagetic sound of people on the screen talking - no voice over unlike first advert
non diagetic sound of soothing but slightly joyful background music

People to be in smart, casual wear - audience is varied
Natural lighting throughout
People will be shot in their own environment 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Logo choices

Now I have decided my slogan and name, I am now moving onto the design on the logo. Creating a logo which is eye catching to the audience is important as the logo is what the audience usually remembers. In my logo I want to include a small image of an emerald as it links to the name 'emerald events'. I have decided to start creating the logo's in Photoshop as the tools that are offered will provide me with the opportunity to be as creative as possible. 

I am going to start by looking at fonts. My target audience is more on the edge of females as it is 56% female. Although, even though the audience is slightly towards the female side, because just under half are males I feel that I should create the logo to suit both genders. Therefore, I am going to look into both styled fonts; serif and sans serif. This is because sans serif is more of a feminine font, although, I feel that it might look good within the logo. I am also going to look a serif font as it is usually bold and eye catching.

This is my first logo design. I think the font is clear and attractive which will engage my target audience. The font style is: "Zapfino".

This logo is quite bold and eye catching, although, I feel the emerald looks as if it does not fit in with the text, and I feel that the text looks quite amateur.

This logo looks effective and I think it will appeal to my audience. It is sans serif, however, still looks bold and appealing. the font style is: Apple Chancery.

The reason the emerald is placed in different places in the logo is because in some of the text, the emerald cannot fit between the two words. 

Chosen logo and why?

I have decided to use the third logo. I chose this because I feel that the logo is the most interesting and engaging, but still clear. I liked the first logo but I think some of the audience may find it hard to read as the font style is swerved. I think this logo will appeal to all the genders and ages of the target audience as the font is slightly sans serif, but arguably looks bold and is styled a bit serif apart from the flicks. 

I am now going to create the logo again, but use the measuring tool on Photoshop to ensure the text and image is at an accurate measure as it needs to be professional. I feel that after this process, I now can start storyboarding properly.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Final idea(s); name and slogan

Before continuing with my planning, it is important I come up with an official slogan, logo and name for my company. This is because in adverts their is repetition of the name, and the slogan is usually almost said. Thus, I cannot start story boarding without having my final name.

Below is a small brainstorm of idea's for my slogan, name and logo.

I am going to analyse the names I have come up with so that I could get a better understanding of what one I should choose. Evaluating the pros and cons of each idea will help me as I can choose the one which has the most pros. Although, once I have picked my logo/slogan and name I am going to ask people for advice whether to continue with it, or adjust it a little. I am going to do this because I want other peoples opinions so I am more likely to be able to engage my target audience.


"Emerald Events" - the alliteration in this name will automatically catch my audiences attention. The significance of using 'emerald' is that it links into jewels, symbolising wealth. The significance of the jewel linking into wealth is that it conveys how the company can provide an extravagant service to the customer. 

"Every event" - The alliteration in this also is catchy and will catch my audiences attention. The idea of 'every' is controversial as it implies that the company can do 'every' event, whereas my company supposedly specialises in more parties, weddings, proms etc.

"Perfect night" - The implication of 'night' suggests that the company does not do day time events, e.g. only does parties. Although, 'perfect' connotes that the event we make will be up to a high standard.

Overall, I feel that 'Emerald events' is the most appropriate choice of name. I think the alliteration is engaging and will appeal to my target audience.


"A perfect picture" -  this line implies that the company can bring a perfect picture to life. Although, I feel the slogan is slightly short thus if I was going to use this, I think I would need to expand e.g. "A perfect picture for you", "your perfect picture.."

Ov"A day to remember" - I think this line connotes that the day we make will be unforgettable thus making the audience think that the events we do are 'amazing'. Although, saying how it's a 'day' implies that we do not do night events which could put my audience off of using the service.

"Bring your dream to life" - This line indicates that the company can make the audiences dream happen. Although, I feel 'bring' would be the wrong word to use as it isn't very catchy and does not sound very engaging.

"Making your dream a reality" - This line implies that the company will make the audiences 'dream' become real. I think this line sounds catchy and engaging and will appeal to my target audience.

Overall choices

Therefore, my final choice of name is 'emerald events' - I just feel that this is short, snappy and will engage my target audience. The inclusion of the word 'events' automatically tells the audience that the company makes and promotes events. Also, including the word 'emerald', a jewel that symbolises hopes and dreams, linking into how the company can for fill the hope that the audience has. Through further research I have found out that the emerald also symbolises:

"The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom. The strongest time for the powers of the emerald is said to be spring."

This is significant because I want my events company to promote happiness and love. Love between friends, family and partners - which I can show between my different styled events. 

Moreover, my final slogan is: "Making your dream a reality.." - I feel that this would attract my target audience as it implies that the company can transform the audiences dream into a reality thus the audience would be more inclined to trust the company as it makes it seem as if the audiences deal with big commands by including the word 'dream'. 

I can now start properly designing logos. In my logo I want to include the emerald sign as well as the name of my company 'emerald events'. I will have to think about what fonts and style and shapes to use in my logo.

Overall, I feel that I have made progress in the name and slogan part. Brainstorming and evaluating each name and slogan I came up with has helped me and will help me carry on with the story boarding. I can now also start creating the official logo as I have a name.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Brief outline of adverts before storyboard

For my first TV advert I want it to be presentation combined with slice of life. I want my protagonist (main speaker) to open up the advert, welcoming the audience in. I then want the speaker to take the audience on a journey, showing what the company has to offer. I want my speaker to walk through doors, walking into different events, and in some - join in. I feel that I was influenced by the Kate Moss Rimmel advert - she walks through different scenes, and sometimes interacts with characters, yet is still presenting to the audience. I think this is effective and engaging and will engage my audience.

For my second TV advert I would like it to be personal. I want the same speaker (protagonist) to open up the advert so the audience can see a clear link between my adverts. I then want different people talking about there experiences with the company - following onto other peoples sentences  (e.g. 'speaker one: the company listened to what I had to say and what I wanted.. speaker two: whilst when the actual hard work began, I could sit and relax.. speaker three: waiting for my amazing event to turn to life). The inspiration of this advert I feel was taken from the USwitch advertising where they base their adverts upon user feedback. I think this is effective because it makes the company seem reliable. 

For my radio advert I essentially want it to start with the clinking of glasses - I want to start with this sound because it happens at various events before a speech which is significant because my speaker will just be about to speak. Once this has started, I want my speaker to start of asking questions e.g. 'Do you need a professional team to help plan your event effectively?' and then talk about how the company can help them. I was inspired by 'Fabulous Events', although this was a TV advert, the recurring emotive language used throughout made the advert intriguing.

For my sponsorship sequence I am going to focus on the event: prom. I am going to have my main protagonist say to all the people (girls and boys) "get ready and smile" and take a picture. Then the line 'emerald events sponsors...' - for my second half I am going to have an action shot of people getting ready for a prom - so it is the same location and saying something along the lines of 'transfers' here etc. I want my sponsorship to be simplistic because I want it to be short and memorable. 

Monday, 14 October 2013

Idea's for both adverts; sponsorship and TV

On this brainstorm, I have come up with the idea that on one of my adverts I would like it to be personal. I have not decided whether I will use this idea for my TV or sponsorship advert as I am unsure about the duration of this idea. As I want this advert to be personal, I came up with the idea that there would be a range of people speaking about their experiences with the company. This is a simplistic way of showing the audience what the company can do for the audience. I have the idea that people could either be in their own environment e.g. sitting on the sofa at home, against white screens, or standing in front of an event. If I decided to take this idea further I will decide this later on. Additionally, I thought it would also be effective if people talk about different events and experiences, but follow onto each other's sentences.

Furthermore, I think I have come to a vague decision of what I am going to do for one of my TV adverts (or both - dependent on how far I develop it) as I have decided that I want to do a presentation advert combined with a slice of life. Therefore, I thought I could start of with a speaker, talking about the company, then, walking though doors as if they are walking through different events. e.g. will open the door to an event of a Christmas party, walks through then opens the next door to a business conference. 

This is just two of my idea's that I feel like I could develop. I am going to continue brainstorming so that I can either develop these idea's or change them.

Radio brainstorm

I feel that I have not touched upon what I want to get out of my radio advert. I want my radio advert to be memorable; thus, I have made a brainstorm of all the idea's I have for my radio advert as well as what I want to achieve from my radio advert.

The image is slightly hard to read, therefore I will explain the idea's in bullet points if unable to read some points.
  • I want the audience to be able to hear background noise of people having fun at events - laughter, parties, glasses etc. In adverts I analysed such as Pro Cruises and Alton Towers I found that diagetic noise was significant and create a up beat, happy mood within the scene.
  • Speaker needs to be able to talk clearly and eloquently - mention why the audience should choose the event planning company and talk about what the company specialises in. Throughout my research, every advert I analysed I found that the speaker would also speak clearly which is important as it allows the audience to understand the speaker.
  • I want the advert to sound elegant and sophisticated - will make the audience believe that the company is reliable and professional - to achieve this I will need to think about the speech in the radio advert
  • e.g; what dialogue to use: direct address, emotive language, mention the company name more than once - will make the advert memorable too and seem friendly - This is all elements which I learnt whilst researching into different adverts (stated on Monday 23rd of September - Recapping on radio adverts)
  • Start and ending of advert need to be memorable - (the beginning): speech, bells, clinking of glasses - (the ending): dialogue / sound of people's voices coming across as happy to promote that the company can 'forfill the audience's dreams)

I feel that I could develop these ideas; I will need to make another list or brainstorm to narrow my brainstorm down so that I would be ready to start storyboarding my radio advert.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Further ideas - what could my advert(s) be like

This is another collection of my idea's for my sponsorship and tv advert. I have looked into doing a presentation advert and slice of life. I have then gone onto consider what I could do with this kind of style advert. Above is my current ideas.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Second brainstorm

I have made another brainstorm. My first brainstorm was about advert idea's and now that I have some to a conclusion I am advertising an event planning service I thought that I should start brainstorming idea's for the advert. Below are my idea's - they vary from what will feature in my advert to different logo's and slogans. I feel that by doing this I will be able to develop and expand any idea's that I have. When creating this brainstorm I feel that I was influenced by my research. This is because my audience survey (see blog post Tuesday 24th September 2013) where I found at that my target audience preferred events such as weddings and parties. Also, when analysing 'Fabulous Events' (see blog post Thursday 12th September) I was influenced by the language chosen and how the speaker made out the audience would be united when attending an event. This links into my brainstorm ideas "family/friends", "good times" etc. Also, a convention of advertising a service is that the number and email is included therefore I came up with different email addresses which I felt like I could use. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Developmet so far and current stage

Before starting to go into detail in my planning, I thought to look at my development so far. I firstly decided on advertising a service as I personally would rather advertise a company or brand, rather than a product. Once I came to this decision I then needed to brainstorm all different types of services. I came to a decision to advertise a service on an events planning company. Once I had decided this, I had to make decisions on what events I would advertise. On my target audience survey the most popular answers were 'wedding, prom and parties' therefore I feel that I should look into these three area's in detail so that I can understand what I need to include. From looking at over 30 different style adverts I have also come to the conclusion that I want to combine a slice of life advert with a presentation advert. Now I have got my idea, I need to start developing it. The next stage of my planning process will be looking into what I need to get hold of to ensure that when I advertise for the events, that they look authentic e.g. if I am advertising a wedding I need to have a wedding decorations.