Sunday, 8 September 2013

Analysis of Sponsorship advert - Destinations (2)

I am going to analyse another advert which is from the same company of the advert I previously analysed. I am looking at the same company because I have to create a set of adverts which have to be slightly similar so the audience can recognise the service. Therefore, I am going to look out for the similarities between the two adverts.


  • The music
  • The same actor
  • Similar scenery
  • Ends with the text centralised and on the bottom likewise to the other advert
Therefore, this means there are four similar aspects of the advert which is a lot. It is good how the adverts are slightly different, but, in order for the audience to recognise the service some aspects have to be the same.

The advert begins with a close up of tea being poured into a cup, slowly. The music cuts straight in and is calm and soothing - already setting up a peaceful scene. The sound is also parrell to the action as everything that takes place is calm and slow. The close up of the variety of puddings will attract the audience, the small (1-2 second) pan displays the amount of variety the company have to offer. There is a cut to a close up of a man, looking very happy - engaging the audience into the ideal lifestyle. The mid shot combined with the zoom out displays the happiness the actor is feeling. The costume such as the white shirt and hat are symbolic of holiday wear, reinforcing the calm scene. The medium paced editing throughout helps the company show what they can do for customers and what they're offering. Likewise to the other advert, the text is in the same place which will help the audience immediately recognise the company.

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