Friday 15 November 2013

Feedback from my presentation

Today I had to present my storyboard. The significance of doing the presentation is that I was able to express my ideas to the class. Before creating my storyboard and animatic I was aware that I may need to adjust some of the ideas that I had come up with. One idea that was stated as a problem in my one of my TV adverts is that I am displaying a Christmas party. The reason this may cause a problem is because all of the other events I am showing are not seasonal therefore incorporating the Christmas party may be considered a bit irrelevant. Therefore, I may need to change the event I am advertising. Although, the only aspect which makes my Christmas party seasonal is the props (mise-en-scene) therefore I could potentially keep the same camera shots and just change the mise-en-scene to a different kind of party e.g. a going away party or a birthday party.

By presenting my work I have also realised I am breaking the fourth wall in my media. This is because I am combining a slice of life style advert with presentation style advert. I think this is a good idea to do this because I want my protagonist to talk directly to the camera whilst an event happens in the background. Although, If I do not display this correctly it could cause my audience to be confused therefore I have to be careful.

Moreover, I also need to create a new animatic - with a new storyboard. For my next animatic I am going to include sound and a voice over and also think about time. This will help me visually imagine what my product will be like. I think by adding sound, it will help me work out if the sound and action will fit together well. Therefore, this will prevent me from using sound which I may not like with my action when coming to editing. Additionally, I was also told that I need to think about what my advert is going to sponsor. (In my previous blog) I decided that DownTown Abbey would be a good and effective program for my advert to sponsor. (explained in previous blog). Furthermore, I also came to the conclusion that for my second TV advert, it would be appropriate that I use the same actors and location.

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