I have managed to receive over 100 responses on the survey I previously made. I had to ensure I gained over 100 responses as I wanted my data to be reliable. I am going to through all my questions and review the answers that were given. This may influence how I market and sell my service as I will find out who my target audience is as well as finding out what their interests are.
The first questioned I asked was the age of my audience. I asked this because I wanted to find out how old my target audience are. The significance of knowing the age of my target audience is that it will influence the way in which I present my service. For example, if my target audience were aged from 3 years - 10 years I would ensure my advert was slightly childish. However, if my target audience was aged over 30, the audience would expect an advert which is more mature.
The majority of my target audience are aged between 15-21 (35%) therefore people of this age will expect my advert to be modern. This will influence the language in my advert as I may choose to be more colloquial rather than completely formal. However, 31% were aged between 36-50. This age group would expect something more sophisticated and professional. Therefore, when coming to make my product I need to ensure I can target both age groups as there is only a 4% difference. Moreover, the age group 22-35 was 20% and 50+ was 14%. Even though these two age groups were the least popular, does not mean I will not consider their expectations. I still need to ensure all of my target audience will be engaged and attracted to my product. Thus, working out the age of my target audience will effect my decisions when it comes to planning as I need to ensure the language, props, actor etc will appeal to all my target audience.
I then went onto asking what gender my target audience is. It is important that I know the gender of my audience as it could influence the representation in my advert and the environment. For example, if my target audience was mostly females I may include more feminine items or if my target audience was mostly males it may influence what props and actors I use.
By looking at my survey results, it is evident that there is more females than males (at 56%). However, there is only a small difference and therefore it is quite equal. I need to ensure I target males and females reasonably equally.
The next question I asked was the ethnicity of my target audience. It was important I found out what ethnicity my target audience were as for example, if my target audience was mostly people from Jamaica, they may expect Jamaican features in my advert. However, from analysing my results, 85% were 'White, British'. The other answers were a range from African, Jamaican and Indian. Just because a small percentage of my target audience is a difference race does not mean I should not still target them. Therefore, when coming to planning I will need to ensure all my target audience would find my advert engaging.
I then went onto asking about my target audiences occupation. I think this is very important as knowing what occupation someone has links into social status. For example, people who have a higher social status and a high paid occupation may expect an advert which was sophisticated and professional and may not appreciate any humor which is in the advert. This may not be the case for everyone.
This is a range of answers I have received. All of my answers vary from estate agent, educator, sales assistant, supermarket assistant, manager, students, receptionist etc. Therefore, there is a range of occupations which people have. This means that I need to ensure my advert is suitable for people who have higher paid occupations as well as people who have lower paid occupations. I think it may be difficult finding out what all people enjoy, however, it is important I do as I want it to appeal to all of my target audience.
The next question I asked was 'Which of the following events have you attended in the last year?' - I wanted to ask this question as I need to find out what events are most popular. The most popular event that was stated was birthday or Christmas party. This tells me that this is a usual event to attend, and therefore in my advert it is expected that I advertise for this kind of event. The second most popular is Wedding as 63 people said they have been to one in the last year. I already know that this was a popular event which happened a lot. Therefore, this would be another event which I could advertise for. Moreover, the third most popular was prom at 62 people. However, apart from these three events, all of the others: festival, christening, charity and conference was below 30. Therefore, these events are not as popular and people may prefer to see a wedding or prom advertised rather than a business conference.
I then asked 'What event was the best organised and why?' - this was were I wanted my target audience to say their opinion. I wanted to find out what events was the best run and why the audience thought so. I am going to examine my answers.
"Prom was planned effectively as we had readily organised the catering, music and decorations in advance. There was a lot of team effort and leadership which made everything easier for the team inboard. The people attending we're aware that they would be served food and were aware of the time of arrival etc. "
From this I can see that to organise an event effectively, everything needs to be organised in advanced. The catering, music and decorations play a huge part into creating an event.
Furthermore, linking to the previous two questions, I then asked 'What type of event would you enjoy attending?' - I asked this because my previous question asks what events my audience have been to in the year but not what events they may enjoy attending. I wanted to find this out because some people may be really interested in attending a prom or a christening. The majority of the answers I received was either prom, party or wedding.
I thought it was important that I understand how popular events planners were. Around 90% of the audience said they would hire an events planner. This is good because it means that the majority of my audience would use an events planner, and therefore the advert will appeal to them.
"Prom was planned effectively as we had readily organised the catering, music and decorations in advance. There was a lot of team effort and leadership which made everything easier for the team inboard. The people attending we're aware that they would be served food and were aware of the time of arrival etc. "
From this I can see that to organise an event effectively, everything needs to be organised in advanced. The catering, music and decorations play a huge part into creating an event.
"The Christening was a beautiful event, and organised very well by some event planners we know"
It is evident that the decoration of the event is important as this christening was described as 'beautiful' therefore how the event was displayed played an important roll into how the event was viewed.
This is only two of my answers which I received. However, I have closely evaluated each answer and it has taught me that - decorations are very significant as when people first attend an event, it is the first aspect they notice. Additionally, the preparation - all events need to be organised in advanced and thoroughly. Moreover, everything needs to be planned into detail - e.g. music, people, catering etc.
Furthermore, linking to the previous two questions, I then asked 'What type of event would you enjoy attending?' - I asked this because my previous question asks what events my audience have been to in the year but not what events they may enjoy attending. I wanted to find this out because some people may be really interested in attending a prom or a christening. The majority of the answers I received was either prom, party or wedding.
I then wanted to find out why people wouldn't want to hire a events planner. I received 12 answers and each one was because of money. Therefore, if I made my service affordable I may be able to change their mind.
Moreover, I then intended to find out what expectations the audiences had. I needed to do this because it is important that I know what the audience expect as well as what standard they would expect the company to be. A lot of the answers I received said that they would expect that the service is professional, reliable and the event was organised well. All of these I would need to ensure I show or suggest I can do when coming to creating my advert. Additionally, other answers I found was that they expected people who work for the service to be 'chatty' and 'friendly' therefore I would need to ensure I create a joyful vibe in my advert so that the audience know that the service is happy to help. Furthermore, the answers also suggested that the people who want the event will be able to make the majority of the decisions and the events planner will just be there to help. Therefore, I understand that my audience expect my service to be friendly but professional as well as working with the client, helping them as much as possible.
Overall, I have learnt a lot about my target audience by making this survey. I wanted to ensure I knew the age, gender, ethnicity, interests etc of my target audience as they will each influence how I make my product. What I've found out:
- Gender of target audience is reasonably equal.
- Age: The age varies completely, however, the main ages are between 15-21 and 35-50.
- Ethnicity - Majority are White, British
- Audience prefer weddings, proms and parties rather than christenings and festivals
- The service needs to be portrayed as friendly, professional and reliable
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