Tuesday, 22 April 2014
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Monday, 31 March 2014
Radio advert edit
Today I recorded my protagonist (Cindy Sidhu) for my radio advert. I had to wait a week (see blog 24th March which explains), however, now I have re-recorded I can now edit the sound file. I am planning on finishing editing my radio advert today so that this week I can concentrate on finishing my two main adverts. I am currently editing my radio advert in Premiere. I am also using Adobe Audition to ensure all of my sound files on my radio advert are exactly the same. I am still new to this program, however, I have already learned to make all of my sound files the same volume.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
Draft questionnaire
I need to ensure that this questionnaire is good enough as I need to be able to get feedback which will help me know if I have been successful with my adverts. I need to add links to all my adverts on the top of the questionnaire, once they are finished.
Current stage
I feel that I am now reaching an end of my editing. I am still currently editing and making small changes, however, I feel that these changes will be finished soon. My main task over the next week is to re-record the ending of my radio advert which I plan to do on Monday the 31st of March with my protagonist, Cindy Sidhu and I aim to get this done in the next week. However, I am going to start thinking about my audience survey and evaluation. Even though I am not 100% finished, I cannot edit my radio advert until I have the sound and therefore I thought it would be a good idea to look up the evaluation questions and create an audience survey form.
The evaluation questions are:
- In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
This question would link to all the research I did. I watched many adverts and was inspired my some which made me develop and transform what other people have done into my own work.
- How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?
This would link to synergy and how I've created synergy between my ads.
- What have you learned from your audience feedback?
- How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Even though I have not started my evaluation yet, I need to ensure that I am familiar with the questions and understand the questions so that I can create a detailed evaluation.
Monday, 24 March 2014
Editing problems
Whilst reviewing and listening to my adverts I have noticed a continuity error. In my radio advert the number that my protagonists uses for the company is different to my two main adverts. This is problematic to me because this could cause the audience confusion and my product will lack professionalism if the number isn't the same. Also, the purpose of the advert is to be memorable, and if the audience remembers one number and it is wrong, it would lead them into the idea of false advertising. I want to ensure I fix this error so that it can be solved. However, another problem which I am facing is that today I attempted to re-record the advert, but my protagonist is slightly ill, and her voice sounds different. I debated to using somebody else but I feel that the actor I am using is the most suitable for the part. Therefore, I am going to post bone the recording and wait until my actor is better, if in a week, my actor is not better, I will have to re record with someone else as my deadline is coming soon and I need to ensure I meet it. Post boning my radio advert will help me concentrate on the editing of my two main adverts, although, I need to ensure that I re record the radio advert as soon as possible, although I know it will not take much time. Therefore, even though this problem occurred, I feel that I have approached the issue in a sensible manner by waiting to see if my protagonist gets any better, and if not I can re record with somebody else. The reason for this is that the recording will not take long, and will not take long to edit and put into Premiere either which means I have the time to wait. I feel that I am over coming this issue and hopefully can record the sound by next week.
Editing: titles
I am still currently editing my two main adverts. On my two main adverts my protagonists says the companies details "emeraldevents@info.co.uk"... and once receiving feedback on my advert, I decided to add titles onto my advert(s).
I had created titles before and therefore I was familiar with how to add in the titles over the video. I used black font to contrast with the image behind so that it was more clear and apparent to the audience. I also chose the bottom right hand corner as when looking at adverts, I noticed that logo's and details were usually placed to the bottom right hand corner. I also feel that their is more space in the bottom right hand corner.
Therefore, I feel that I am currently doing my final touches to my adverts. I think the sound on my adverts has been improved and now I am just adding the finishing touches.
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Edititing sound
Whilst editing my media coursework, it has become apparent to me that in my main adverts my sound is slightly poor. This is a problem because for my advert to be successful and for it to truly engage with my audience I need all the sound to be up to a high standard. However, some of my sound I have realised I cannot change due to the technology I am using, it will not allow me to have more advanced sound. Therefore, I need to make the best out of this situation and try to edit my sound on the program Adobe Audition which will allow me to take out some of the hissing and humming in the background. I am aware that the sound in my advert will not be perfect but this is a problem I can only try and help because even if I did reshoot, I would never be able to get the sound perfect. I am using the program Adobe Audition to edit my sound in, I had never used this program before and I am currently learning how to. Yesterday I learned how to remove some of the hissing and humming to make my sound more clear. I feel that even though I am experiencing problems, I am learning new skills.
This is an image of my sound in Adobe Audition. On this I can make my sound all of the same volume which is important as if all my sounds were different, it would make my advert appear and sound less professional.
Therefore, I still feel that I am working towards my deadline and I will be able to reach it. I am currently editing the sound of my adverts and I hope it will be finished by next week so that I can begin my evaluation.
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Current stage: moving my project forward
Over the weekend I was able to finish editing my radio advert. I can now leave this and move other parts of my project foward. I was also able to edit my sponsorship sequence, however, their are some parts of the sound which I am intending to change to ensure the sequence is as good as it possibly can be. I am also currently in the stage of editing my two main adverts, which I feel will be finished very soon. The only parts I need to edit is slight sounding problems which can be done using Premiere. I feel that my project is moving foward constantly and I will be ready to meet the deadline.
Moreover, whilst editing I still need to ensure I am looking back at my target audience survey results. This is because I need to ensure the decisons I make throughout the project link to my audience and will engage and attract them. I have looked back at my results constantly to see how I have targetted my audience.
The two main events that people have voted most popular was the wedding and party. In my sponsorship sequence I have created a wedding, and I also feel due to the props and location I have used that my audience will enjoy watching the adverts. (The dress, flowers, scenery and presents). In my main advert I have shown a party, where all the guests look like they are having fun and I have also used the props I had to my advantage by blowing up balloons and also using banners and present to signify it is a party. It is important that I stuck to this, even though my idea's and product will change slightly, as the majority of my audience said they have been to the type of events in the last year thus making them more popular. I was also supposed to show prom, my third main popular event but my plans changed due to my advert being too long. This was not a major issue as I still got to show the two main events I wanted to.
Saturday, 8 March 2014
I am currently at the editing stage in my project. I have finished editing the radio advert, and I have basically finished editing my sponsorship, apart from some clips I may need to take out due to timing. Currently, my main focus at the moment is editing my two main adverts. This is the first time I have had to lip sync, however, I feel that it is going well. I think that my re shoot has proven to be successful as not only is the sound better due to the boom mic, but the actual camera quality is better, improving the way my adverts look and sound.
These are my adverts currently (ROUGH CUTS) - I have more editing to go.
What I still need to do:
- Ensure my radio and sponsorship is completely finished
- Edit the sound on my main adverts, ensuring the sound matches up with the image
- Edit the sound so that the sound is exactly the same volume in each part of the clips
Friday, 28 February 2014
Reshoot of main advert(s)
On Thursday the 27th of February I reshot my two main adverts. The main reason I had to reshoot was because of sound. Therefore, in my reshoot I used a boom mic to ensure the sounding was clear. I did every single shot the same as before, just with the microphone. The most challenging part of filming was using the microphone as I had never used one before. I found using it hard as not only did I need myself, but I needed two other people behind the scenes to help with filming. I had to ensure before filming I had slight knowledge on the mic, which I did but when coming to filming I feel that I did not have enough knowledge as I needed. Once I had worked out how everything worked, I could then reshoot all my scenes. I am now currently editing my advert(s), however, due to me having to put in my audio at the exact same time it is taking a lot longer than expected. Whilst filming, I also recorded the ending of my sponsorship which I can now put in to ensure my sponsorship is finished, allowing myself time to focus on my main adverts. At the moment, I feel that I am working towards my deadline. I am hoping the new recordings and footage I have shot are better to prevent another reshoot as it may cause timing issues.
Editing and lip syncing
I am currently editing my TV advert one and this is the first time I have to lip sync. It is proving to be quite difficult as it is hard to find the exact point where the voice recording and camera recording. I need to ensure I am providing myself with extra time for this part of the editing as it will consume a lot of my time.
Editing and lip syncing
I am currently editing my TV advert one and this is the first time I have to lip sync. It is proving to be quite difficult as it is hard to find the exact point where the voice recording and camera recording. I need to ensure I am providing myself with extra time for this part of the editing as it will consume a lot of my time.
Monday, 24 February 2014
Props in action/why I used them
One of the most successful parts of filming I think was my venue and the props I used. This is because I chose carefully what I wanted to use to ensure my scene would look authentic. I dressed my protagonist in a black skirt (long) to present her sophistication, I also dressed her in a white blouse as I did not want to use an eye catching color in case it took away the audiences attention from the purpose of my advert. I dressed my actors in smart/casual clothes and made them look happy and cheerful. I think the happiness and smiles on all my actors faces will infer that they were happy with the service my "company" provided.
I used a pink table cloth to cover the table cloth underneath. I used pink as my event was a baby shower and I wanted it for a baby girl. The additional decor such as the balloons made the scene look authentic. I even added real, small amounts of food like cup cakes to make the "party" look real. To make the cakes look appealing, I added glitter and other glitter to make it look more girly and feminine.
I feel that I have been successful in my choice of props and I feel that they all add to the level of versimilute in my advert.
Reflection of coursework
What have I been successful with so far?
I feel that my radio advert is complete and I am happy with the final outcome and I would say, so far, due to filming issues it is my main success. The reason my radio advert was successful is because the recording went well, despite the re recording. I refreshed my skills in using the voice recorder which is important as I will need to use it throughout my adverts. I also think the voice in my radio advert was successful as my speaker was clear and when I edited the two pieces together, it fit well.
Additionally, I also feel that my sponsorship sequence has been successful. This is because of the mise-en-scene. I used real wedding props to ensure my venue looked authentic and real to the audience which means my advert will have a high level of verisimilitude. Also, as I am now very familiarly with Premiere, I feel that I actually edited my sponsorship sequence reasonably fast. I still have some editing to do, as at the moment I am prioritising my two main adverts.
Furthermore, the shooting of my two main adverts have been partly successful. Despite the sound in advert one, the feedback I gained was the structure of my advert was successful and the shots were effective. I feel that the camera angles combined with the mise-en-scene in my adverts engage the audience as the scenery is authentic, (likewise to my sponsorship), and I use varied camera angles to ensure the viewer is always engaged.
I feel that my editing has been successful throughout the process so far. I am finding myself editing my footage reasonably quickly, which proves how much I have learnt since AS. Even though I still need to edit my sponsorship, and my two main adverts, I feel that putting the footage together does not take long as I am familiar with all the tools I need, and therefore it can be done as soon as I have all my footage.
Challenges I have faced?
I have faced many challenges so far throughout the process of filming and editing. The challenge I faced with my radio advert was that some of the words, did not fit together and I had to change the script slightly. Even though this prevented me from moving onto filming my sponsorship, I still feel that I overcome this challenge reasonably quickly as I recorded, edited the new script within two days. Another challenge I faced was re shooting my sponsorship. This is because I was unable to have the exact same decorations, preventing my mise-en-scene from looking as effective, although I overcome this challenge by changing my storyboard slightly so that I could change the decorations.
A challenge that I am currently facing is with my first main advert. This is because as I previously stated, my audio was not up to a high standard, meaning I have to re shoot. However, I am going to have to use a piece of technology which I have never used before - a 'boom mic', which I will need to learn before Thursday morning, giving me two days to be able to learn how to use it alone. This is a challenge which I am hoping to overcome fast so that I can re shoot fast, and get the editing done as quick as possible.
What is complete?
- Radio advert - I feel that my radio advert is complete and no longer needs editing.
What is not complete?
- Sponsorship - I have all the footage, and I do not need to re shoot. All I have to do is editing.
- TV advert one - Reshooting Thursday, in hope I can edit ASAP and could be finished by next week.
- TV advert two - I have finished half of the advert, but need to reshoot some parts. I have not had any feedback which means I may have to reshoot the whole ad.
Reshooting of main advert
From listening to my main advert, I have realised that the audio is not good enough. Due to the background noises and the camera distance, it is hard for me to be able to hear my protagonist talking properly. This is problematic to my advert because my advert is a presentation advert, all the focus is on my protagonist which means the audience will need to be able to hear her properly so that the information can be delivered correctly. Therefore, I am going to need to re shoot. I feel that the re shoot will not take long as the shots I have taken are successful, and do not need to be changed. This means that I will only need to shoot the shots in my current advert, rather than shoot everything I thought I would need.
I am going to be re shooting on Thursday the 27th February. For my advert, I am using the following actors: Cindy Sidhu playing the protagonist, Melissa Kerrison, Bethany Eley, Charlotte Fischer and Bethany Holland (being at the one shot at the event). I will need a camera, tripod and boom mic.
The main challenge which I will face throughout filming is using a boom mic. This is because before today, I had never heard of one before. Before I shoot on Thursday I am going to ensure that I understand how it works to prevent wasting time.
Thursday, 20 February 2014
Filming advert one/two
Today I filmed half of my first and second advert. I feel that today went very successful. This is because I learnt from shooting my sponsorship that I need to shoot everything on my storyboard and more. I included additional shots which I found were better than what I came up with on my storyboard. I feel that I have developed my leadership and organisational skills whilst filming as I had to lead five girls and tell them exactly what I wanted them to say and do.
For my main advert - I mixed slice of life and a presentation style advert together. Evidently, this was challenging. This is because I had to use my protagonist in the live action which is rare to see with adverts. Although, from re-watching my footage, I feel that I have been successful with shooting and I think I have recorded high standard footage which portrays the message I want. For my second main advert, I did customer feedback. I have (overall) four lines for the audience to speak, and I have recorded half of it already. I am planning on recording my over half at my second half of the advert one shooting.
This is what I have recorded and edited so far for my advert one. It has become apparent to me that it is slightly long, which means I will have to take out some shots or not shoot more.
This is half of my second TV advert (customer feedback)
(insert video)
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Decorations for main adverts
I have had to buy many decorations for my two main adverts. I need decorations as I am trying to sell an event, and I want my event to look as authentic as possible. Although, I am limited to the amount of money I can spend which is a slight problem because I need as much as possible.
For my event (baby shower) I have bought:
I brought balloons because balloons are usually associated with parties. Also, this would meet my audiences expectations because on my my audience survey 'going to a party' was the most popular event, and therefore balloons would be a feature with would be expected. I have included girly features such as roses and sparkles as this advert is mainly based at my female target audience. I have done this because just over half of my audience are females and therefore their are more females that I need to attract than males. I also am including a 'baby shower' banner so that I make it evident to the audience what the event is. This is important because my dialogue does not actually reveal this, and therefore I have left it to the props to tell the audience visually what kind of event it is.
Thursday, 13 February 2014
Main adverts: shooting schedule
I am now beginning to plan to shoot my
main adverts. I have not had time to gather all my actors together in
the last month as I have had to film my sponsorship sequence.
Although, I am now going to use my half term break to film my adverts
– giving me time to reshoot if needed. I have learned that from
shooting my sponsporship sequence that I should film from every
angle, to prevent reshooting. I feel that shooting my main adverts
will be a challenge because I need to gather 13 people and organise
and manage lifts for everyone.
Shooting schedule for main adverts
Date |
What I am filming? |
What do I need? |
Who do I need? |
Time |
Wednesday 19th February |
Advert one/ two |
Camera Tripod Suits for boys Prom dresses for girls Drinks |
Lucy Wise
Melissa Kerrison Bethany Eley Scott K Bethany Holland Arrun Cheema Max Powell |
Mid day
Friday 21st Feburay |
Advert one/two |
Tripod Presents for baby shower Girls dresses |
Melissa Kerrison
Imogen Welsford Charlotte Fishcer Betany Holland |
Mid day
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Filming - reshoot of sponsorship
Yesterday I reshot my sponsorship. I felt that the shooting went really well. This is because I learned from my mistakes in shooting one and was able to reshoot the shots I needed. Also, in shooting 1 I actually ran out of time and could not film it all, therefore shooting again provided me with more time and I was able to film the shots I needed. My main strength throughout the process of filming was my ability to direct the group. I had to direct six people continuously but I feel that I was successful as all my actors and actresses knew exactly what they were doing and what they needed to say.
This is me directing my actors - (video is slightly distorted
This is me directing my actors - (video is slightly distorted
Moreover, I had to do a car scene. I feel that my decorations for the car added to the high level of versimiltude within my advert because I had actual wedding decorations which couples use - the number plate "JUST WED" and flowers as decorations. I included this scene because I wanted the couple to be introduced in a fancy car, showing how my company can organise transfer and then taken to a venue. Additionally, my overall message in my advert is people uniting, and remembering special moments in life. I feel that the wide shot I took of the bride and groom and guests all looking at each other and smiling displays how people are coming together and having fun. I think this will attract my target audience.
I now need to edit my sponsorship sequence - add in voice over and transitions. This is the clips that I want to use, however I am aware that I may have to change and adjust some slightly.
Monday, 10 February 2014
Reshoot - sponsorship shooting schedule
Today I am hopefully going to re shoot parts of my sponsorship. This was supposed to be done last Wednesday but my protagonist was ill and I was unable to shoot. If everything goes to plan with my actors and actresses, I will be able to re shoot some of the shots which I did not do well with last time. I am hoping this is my final shoot for my sponsorship as I need to begin filming for my adverts which will take longer. I feel that I am slightly struggling towards deadlines currently, and I need to ensure in February half term all my shooting is done so I have enough time to experiment and edit. It is important I take time to reflect upon what I have done, where I currently am at, and what needs doing so that I can move my project forward. In terms of editing, I am currently experimenting with my sponsorship sequence and finding parts of it I would like to use. I filmed a lot in my first shooting therefore I have a lot to pick from. Moreover, I am hoping I have all the props I need for today so that my shooting can run smoothly. Below is my shooting schedule:
What advert I am
What actors am I
What do I need?
10th February
Bethany Holland
Lucy Wise
Bethany Eley
Callum Carroll
Scott K
Car props / décor
Wedding props
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Problem with shooting
I was supposed to be filming my sponsorship sequence today but my protagonist (Callum) was ill. This has now delayed my shooting till next Monday. In the meantime, I am going to give my script to my protagonist in my main advert so that she can learn it as I plan to shoot in February half term as I want to be moving my project forward. Now I have completed my radio advert, I can focus all my attention on my adverts which will hopefully be finished by the end of February to provide me with enough time to edit and add in sound. I feel that I am working towards the time constraints as I know when my deadlines are, however, because I need around 5-10 actors it is unreliable and hard to find time to film when all are free.
Monday, 3 February 2014
Radio advert recording schedule
Today I am recording the end of my radio advert. From my first draft, I received feedback that the protagonist should talk directly to the audience, including in them to engage them. Therefore, I have changed the line to:
"If you are interested in planning your special day with us, then you can contact emerald events@info.co.k or dial 0800 833 939. Emerald Events. Making your dream a reality."
My recording schedule for today:
Currently, I feel that I am making progress with my radio advert. Last week I was able to record the majority of my advert, however, last week my protagonist was suffering voice problems which meant I had to wait additional time before I could record it. Once I have recorded today, I will hopefully upload my footage to Adobe Premiere and place it into my sound files.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Radio advert update
I have re-recorded half of my new radio advert. I have slightly changed the script as in my previous advert my actor says he is "standing", however, it is hard for the audience to understand where he is and what he is doing. I have changed the line to : "If it wasn't for such an outstanding group of individuals, I would not have the unforgettable memories that I have today. " - This presents to the audience that the company provides the customer with thrilling, unforgettable memories which I think will engage my audience and make them want to use the service more.
I still need to re-record the second half of my advert which hopefully will take place tomorrow. I feel that my radio advert is coming together nicely and when I am finished editing, it should definitely appeal to my target audience.
Below is the new first half of my radio advert:
Monday, 27 January 2014
Changes and re-shoots
What I need to change:
I need to re-record my radio advert because some of the sentences which I put in, are irrelevant and should not be in the advert. I also need to change the ending part (the second speaker) - I need her to come in more boldly, so that it is evident the voice has changed. I also need the female speaker to talk directly to the audience to make them feel more included. I then am going to add my male (first) speaker to the ending of the advert to end it in a positive note.
I also need to re-shoot some of my sponsorship sequence. This is because some of the footage needs to be changed e.g. the pan, and long shots.
What I need to do (this week)
Shoot my first half of main advert
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Editing my sponsorship sequence
I am currently editing my sponsorship sequence. I have decided that I am going to use all the footage from filming for my sponsorship sequence. This is because I have a large amount of footage which I wont need to use as I filmed more than I needed to. This will save me from filming my second sponsorship sequence which means I can go straight onto filming my main adverts. Currently, I feel that I am finding it difficult to edit my sponsorship sequence as my idea has slightly changed. I am trying to find camera shots that work and link, however, it is proving difficult. In both my sponsorship sequence I want to display happiness and uniting, which I feel that I do. I want the editing of my sequence to be slow to allow the audience into watching the joy within the scene. I have inserted all of my files onto Premiere Pro where I have started mixing up and the clips and attempting to make a sequence. At the moment, I have found some clips which are really effective - one of them being the bride and groom cutting the cake then a kiss. I think this is one of my effective shots because they are centralized and their is no distractions. Behind them are two males and to the side two females. They are not in the shot completely, however, I wanted to highlight the bride and groom rather than focus on the background. The next shot I thought was effective was the pan I used. I panned the camera around the room of the party which displayed people having their own conversations and having fun. I then do a pan of a man walking to give the bride and groom a present, then I want to use a fade of the man and groom having " a laugh ". I like these shots because it displays people looking happy and having fun at the event. I want my sponsorship sequence to be very simplistic this is why I have decided not to shoot more of the sponsorship sequence as I have lots of footage I can work with. I need to ensure whilst editing that I remember how simplistic a sponsorship sequence has to be because at the moment, my two clips seem very simple, however, they are supposed to be short but also grab people's attention which is something I would like to achieve with the sound, dialogue and body gestures of my actions. Overall, I feel that I am working towards the deadlines which are set and will be able to complete my sponsorship sequence by the deadline set. I am then planning to create my two adverts (next weekend) at the same time as they have to be filmed together. I will then hopefully spend a week / two weeks editing and ensuring all adverts look up to my standard. This will also provide me with enough time to re-shoot or to make changes to my sequence if I feel the footage I have is not good enough or needs changing.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
New sponsorship sequence idea(s)
I am now starting to think about a new (second half) of sponsorship sequence idea. This is because I was unable to shoot at the same time as spent too long filming the first half, meaning I need to change it slightly. I still want to keep the props of the car and the two same actors (bride and groom). One of my idea's was to have the bride and groom come out of a church and then getting into the car and it driving off. I also have the idea of the bride and groom going to a hotel in the car but I have not story boarded properly therefore I am unable to vision it properly.
Brief idea's
It has to link with the first (or second) part of my sequence which is an after party of a wedding.
Idea one: (this would replace the first half of the sponsorship sequence and will become before the footage I have already shot).
(Before) Bride and Groom could leave venue (preferably alone)
and get into ‘Just Married’ car taking them to the after party. They will be leaving a church, or a hotel to make it look realistic. I am aware that this may be hard to do therefore before expanding my idea, I will look into it.
Idea two:
(After) the car could be arriving at a hotel (after the
party). The shot would be of the car, then the bride and groom getting out in
front of the venue looking happy and excited.
Each of my idea's will present the message I am trying to portray of happiness and people uniting. I will decide on the idea based on locations I can find and props which are avaliable to me because I need to make the setting as realistic as possible.
This is a church I could use. It is based in Denham Village. I could have a shot of the couple walking from the church, into the car and the car goes round the village. I think this location is nice because of the walk way from the church and also the village is small and pretty so when the car drives off, it isn't going onto a main road.
I am now going to start doing drafts of my sponsorship sequence (of both ideas) to see which works best, whilst making lists of locations and props I will need to use ensuring I am taking everything into consideration.
Monday, 13 January 2014
Evaluation of filming
Today was the first time I have filmed (with a camera and tripod) on my own. I wanted to film my sponsorship sequence first as I thought that it would take less time than my main adverts therefore I could get some practise before filming my other adverts. I felt confident in using the camera as I have had previous experience. However, I had to handle a group of twelve people which I found very difficult as last year I only used one protagonist and controlled the filming with two other people. I am satisfied with the outcome of my filming as throughout the process their were times were I struggled, however, I sorted out the problem and could overcome it. I found it really difficult to set up the props as I had so many (balloons, costume, presents, cake etc) which for one person to set up, proved very challenging. Another problem I had was a tilt. This was a problem because I struggled to get the camera steady which meant when I tilted it, it would jog. To overcome this I had to practise for about three times until I got the shot perfectly. The problem which I am now facing is that I have to re-story board the second half of my sponsorship sequence as I was unable to film today and I cannot re-make the props and actors look how they were. I am going to have to do a small brainstorm of new venues which I can film at, and different ideas. I need to be fast in my decision making so that I can film and make the sequence as soon as possible, ready to start filming my TV adverts. I am very happy with the help my actors gave me as they all did as I said and were easy to work with. Overall, the experience I had with filming was difficult, however, now when I come to my TV advert filming I know what to do to prevent problems. Such as, practise shots on my own before so I do not have to waste time doing it there with the actors. Also, set up props before actors arrive so that filming can start as soon as possible.
In action and getting ready:
Filming sponsorship
Today I filmed the first half of my sponsorship sequence. I was supposed to be filming both parts of my sponsorship sequence, however, I had some troubles whilst filming. I began filming the first part of my sponsorship sequence and it took longer than I estimated considering the length of the sequence as the props took time to get ready. This is was a problem because the second half of my sequence is supposed to be filmed outside but it was too dark. This means I have to change my idea as I am unable to get all the actors and props looking the same.
The props I used:
This was the cake I used. I am overall happy with the way the cake turned out as I think it looks professional. I began with using two cake bases and then iced it with white icing. I used real flowers as I could not find real ones, however, I feel that it made the cake look better and more professional anyway. I used the pale orange flowers because the room I was using was orange and yellow so I thought I should create a theme, as that is normal for weddings.
Another set of props was the 'presents'. To make the party realistic, I had to get bags of designer labels to make the presents seem realistic. I added in the balloons which say 'just married' to take up space and also for extra decoration. I thought this table looked very realistic as the presents were all different and simplistic.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Revision on Camera and Mise-en-scene
As I am starting my first filming session on Monday, I want to ensure I am still familiar with the camera. This is because the last time I filmed was for AS - nearly a year ago which means I may have forgotten some angles. Even though I already have an animatic of the camera angles which I am going to follow, if I feel that when coming to shooting they do not work I can still use different types of camera angles because I know a variety.
I am going to analyse a wedding scene as my sponsorship presents shots from an after party wedding. I thought this would be helpful as I need to ensure the props fit into the wedding style. I also can view the body gestures of the actors which I may need to tell my actors as it would be helpful and make the scene (advert) more believable.
This scene is from "The Vow" and fits into the genre of 'Romance'. I have purposely chosen this film because I know the romantic side of it is passionate and intense - something which I would like to portray within my actors body gestures and facial expressions, making my advert more real and having a high level of verisimilitude.
The beginning of the scene starts with an over the shoulder shot of the bride and groom - showing equality within their relationship. The mise-en-scene such as the costume and make up add to the verisimilitude within the scene as the bridge has her hair done nicely and her make up is glowing which is the kind of style for a wedding. The groom, opposite her is wearing a suit with his hair combed back - looking smart. Their peers are positioned around them, looking in happily to show their care for the couple. The close up of the bride and grooms facial expression conveys their happiness which is a feature I would like to present. The mid shot allows the couple to be the centre of attention, whilst friends and family are stood behind. Also, the mid shot shows the joyful body gestures of the couple, without displaying their whole body. There is also a mid to close up of the bride and groom laughing, conveying they take a deep interest in each other. This is another feature I want to display as I want to show people having fun. The friends and family are all wearing smart outfits which is important because it also helps make the scene look professional. The diagetic sound of the actors laughing creates a joyful, exciting mood within the scene which is another element I would like to create.
Features I want to take:
The beginning of the scene starts with an over the shoulder shot of the bride and groom - showing equality within their relationship. The mise-en-scene such as the costume and make up add to the verisimilitude within the scene as the bridge has her hair done nicely and her make up is glowing which is the kind of style for a wedding. The groom, opposite her is wearing a suit with his hair combed back - looking smart. Their peers are positioned around them, looking in happily to show their care for the couple. The close up of the bride and grooms facial expression conveys their happiness which is a feature I would like to present. The mid shot allows the couple to be the centre of attention, whilst friends and family are stood behind. Also, the mid shot shows the joyful body gestures of the couple, without displaying their whole body. There is also a mid to close up of the bride and groom laughing, conveying they take a deep interest in each other. This is another feature I want to display as I want to show people having fun. The friends and family are all wearing smart outfits which is important because it also helps make the scene look professional. The diagetic sound of the actors laughing creates a joyful, exciting mood within the scene which is another element I would like to create.
Features I want to take:
- Costume
- Make up
- Bride and Groom centralised
- Close up of bride and grooms face (laughing and smiling)
- Diagetic sound of everything having fun and laughing
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
New shooting schedule
I had to reschedule my sponsorship sequence as my decorations did not come in time. I have now arranged it for next week, in hope I can film both parts. It is important I film my sponsorship sequence as a whole, rather than separate because the action leads on from the first part to the second part.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Actors I have chosen (for sponsorship - and why)
In my advert, the bride and groom will be Bethany Eley and Callum Carrol. The reason I chose these two actors is because they are both mature looking and I am limited to my choice due to the amount of people I know that would be able to play the part of the bride and groom. Additonally, both actors are confident and enthusiastic which I feel will engage my target audience as the confidence of the actors will draw in the audience.
Furthermore, I will have around 6-8 people in my sponsorship sequence - including the bride and groom. I think the best idea is to split it evenly between male and female. The actors which I have found and are willing to participate in my advert are: Sam Anstiss, Maxwell Powell, Arrun Cheema, Gregor Morrison, Charlotte Fischer, Imogen Welsford, Melissa kerrison, Lucy Wise and Bethany Holland. All of which are at the age of 18. However, I am going to make all my actors look slightly older so that the wedding looks more real as it is unrealistic that the couple and friends will be of the age of 18. Therefore, to achieve this I will be watching YouTube tutorials and doing further research into mature clothing so that I can achieve the older look (21+).
Above me is: Melissa Kerrison, Imogen Weslford, Bethany Holland, Bethany Eley and Lucy Wise.
Overall, I am content with my choice of actors. Each of the people I chose I know will look the part once hair, make up and costume is finished.
Props for the car (sponsorship)
On my previous blog post I have shown images of the props for my sponsorship. I have now been delivered more props which I am using for the car. Below is the decorations for the front and back of the car (alongside the flowers in the previous post). I decided to get a fake number plate of 'Just Wed' to reinforce the fact that I am showing a wedding. I think this will attract my target audience because it is realistic - the decorations and props I have are used for real weddings therefore the audience will believe in the message I am trying to portray. Additionally, the main point of the advert is to promote happiness and love therefore the additional heart stickers will reinforce my point.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Images of props (for sponsorship)
For my sponsorship sequence, I am advertising a wedding. Therefore to make the wedding look real and authentic, I had to order some props. I brought some silver balloons saying 'Just Married' - the reason I chose the colour silver is because it is one of the most popular colours at a wedding. I also think that I have to create a colour scheme at the wedding, and the main colour is going to be silver. To the right is the exact balloons I ordered.
Below is an image of the car I am using. I understand that it is not the usual wedding car, however, I am limited to the props I can use. Therefore, I chose to use a fiat 500 because it is a small, 'cute' looking car. The colour of the car also links into the colour scheme of my wedding which will help make the advert look real.
I have also ordered a 'Just married' number plate for the car.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
Problems I am facing with shooting
Today I was supposed to be shooting my sponsorship sequence. However, the props I ordered have not come and therefore the lack of props I have, has delayed my shooting. For the sponsorship sequence I need props such as a ready made cake and 'just married' decorations for the car. Therefore, I now have to reschedule my filming when my props arrive, ensuring that my actors are fine with the new time too.
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